is a leap or fall in which one turns heels over head before landing on one’s
skip is to jump lightly and quickly.
best gymnasts perform cartwheels, back handsprings, and somersaults on the
Ex. 4. Read the
text. Insert the missing terms from the list beam, six, four, leaps,
somersault, floor exercises, balance, spins, vaulting horse, balances, uneven
bars, gymnastics
Success in the ...exercises for men and ... for women at the Olympic
Games requires that the gymnast develops a strong physique and all-round
The ... ... are usually the first of the events since they give
competitors a chance to warm up with movements not requiring tremendous
strength. The sportswoman aims to impress the judges with a sequence of...,
..., and together with the elements of acrobatics. Strength movements should be
performed slowly and static position must be held for at least two seconds –
... should be done at shoulder height.
The ... ... is the simplest of all the events. Men vault over the horse
lengthways, passing first over the “croup” and then the “neck”. Women vault
sideways, putting their hands on the middle of the horse which is not as high
as for men.
Women use the ... ... . Emphasis is on the suspension and momentary
bracing positions and the female gymnast must change bars by turning or
executing elegant movements.
The ... is used only by women in competitions. It was originally
envisaged as a method for women to demonstrate ... but in recent years many of
the skills of the floor exercises have been introduced. Many female competitors
use ballet, which is very close to many of the ... movements.
Ex. 5. Explain the terms used in gymnastics:
• the side horse
• the uneven
parallel bars
• the balance beam
• cartwheel
• back handspring
• somersault
• running steps
• skips
Ex. 6. Name the
• women’s
gymnastics competition events
• exercises on the
uneven parallel bars
• exercises on the
• floor exercises
for women.
Ex. 7. Say what you know about:
• the order of
performing the events in a women’s gymnastics competition
• the exercises on
apparatus for women
• all-around
competition for women
Ex. 8. Speak on the topic:
• the apparatus for
women’s gymnastics competitions
• the programme for
the women’s gymnastic competitions
• gymnast performance on the balance beam (uneven bars, side horse).
Task VII. Read the text about the gymnastics competitions. Find
out how the winner is determined
Judging involves the assessment of a gymnastic performance by someone
supposedly well-versed in the detailed and rather complex methods of
Gymnastics has matured into a highly technical sport, and the evaluation
of routines has become a complicated process.
Judges of gymnastics competitions carefully watch each compulsory routine
for such flaws as falls, improper body position, omissions, slowness, and
stops. In the optional routines, the judges base their scores on difficulty,
form, and the combination of movements.
A perfect score for any event is 10.00. The judges subtract points or
tenths of a point for each flaw. In optional routines, the judges may award
bonus points for especially difficult or original movement.
In men’s competition, five judges, including one called a head or
superior judge, score the performance of each gymnast. In most cases, the score
of the head judge is not used. Instead, the head judge takes the scores of the
other judges and eliminates the highest and lowest ones. The head judge
computes an athlete’s final score by averaging the two middle scores. If the
difference between the two middle scores exceeds a certain range, the head of
judge’s own score is used as a guide in adjusting the final score. At an
international competition, each team’s top five individual all-around scores
are added together for the team score.
In women’s competition, there are seven judges, including a head judge.
The highest and lowest scores of the six other judges are dropped and the
remaining four are averaged to produce the final score.
Speech Exercises
Ex. 1. Answer the following
What does judging
What do the judges of
gymnastics competitions watch for?
What do the judges of
gymnastics competitions base their scores on?
Which is a perfect
score for any gymnastics event?
What do the judges
subtract points or tenths of a point for?
What actions do the
judges award bonus points for?
How many judges are
there in the men’s gymnastics competitions?
What are the head
judge’s duties?
How does a gymnast get
an average mark (score)?
10. When is the head judge’s own score used?
11. How is the team score determined at the
international competition?
12. How many judges are there in the women’s
13. How is the final score in the women’s
gymnastics competition produced?
Ex. 2. Say what instruction you would give to a would-be
Ex. 3. Say what you know about:
• judges in
gymnastics competitions
• the evaluation of
• possibility for
former gymnasts to become judges
Task VIII. a) Skim the text to understand what it is about. b)
Time your reading. Its good if you can read this text for 75 words per minute.
And Their Training
The ideal body type for gymnastics is short and light. Gymnastics skills
require great strength and flexibility, as well as balance and explosive power.
Ages and sizes of competitive gymnasts have been decreasing progressively as
their selection and training has become more demanding. The two top female
gymnasts in the 1992 Olympics were 15 years old, 137 centimetres (4 feet,
6 inches) tall, and one weighed 31.7 kilograms (70 pounds) and the other
31.3 kilograms (69 pounds).
To produce the strength, flexibility, and power
essential for competitive gymnastics requires long hours of strenuous practice,
and training procedures are designed to develop not only these physical
qualities but also the great courage required to perform intrinsically
dangerous movements (1).
In socialist societies such as the former Soviet Union, other Eastern
European countries, China, and Cuba, young children selected on the basis of
body type and other physical attributes were given opportunities to develop
into competitive gymnasts through participation in state-supported training
facilities (2) and special schools. In countries such as the United States, the
development of young gymnasts has been carried out in schools and organisations
such as Turners, Sokols, and YMCAs. However, the intensity and level of work
required to produce elite gymnasts today is available only in private training
facilities, usually paid for by parents. Recognising the financial cost of
these private facilities, USA Gymnastics initiated a programme of stipends paid
to a small number of the most talented young gymnasts to offset their training
costs. Male gymnasts tend to maintain and even improve performances beyond the
peak age for female gymnasts, and their training may continue during college
years with the support of athletic scholarships. Collegiate gymnastics is also
available for females, but today college-age women are generally considered too
old to be involved in the highest level of the sport. One of the most important
contributions to the development of gymnastics in the United States was the
establishment of the USGF Junior Olympics programme, which provides compulsory
exercises and guidelines for several levels of age-group competition for both
girls and boys.
(1) intrinsically dangerous movements – ñâÿçàííûå ñ áîëüøèì ðèñêîì
(2) state-supported training facilities – ãîñóäàðñòâåííûå ñïîðòèâíûå áàçû
ñ) Answer the following questions. If necessary, look through the text
1. What is the ideal body type for a gymnast?
2. What quality do gymnastics skills require?
3. Why have age and size of competitive
gymnasts been decreasing?
4. How are the strength, flexibility, and
power, essential for competitive gymnastics, produced?
5. How were young gymnasts selected in
socialist societies?
6. How are young gymnasts selected in the USA?
7. Where are elite gymnasts trained in the
What was one of the
most important contributions to the development of gymnastics in the United
9. What does the USYF Junior Olympic programme
Task IX. Read the text without the help of a dictionary
The origin of gymnastics can be traced back to the ancient civilisations
of China, Persia, India and Greece.
Most of the current competitive exercises may be attributed to the
German, Jahn, but the ancient civilisations practised the sport. The Chinese
had mass displays of free exercises, as they do at present, and both the
Persians and the Indians followed a strict code of physical exercise. But it
was the Greeks who really started to modernise the sport.
The distinguished physician, Galen, provided some of the earliest literature
on the sport and showed how knowledgeable the Greeks were about its
fundamentals. Activities like rope-climbing were included in the ancient
Olympic Games and, with the rise of the Roman Empire, the Greek method of
physical culture spread.
Among the events the Romans introduced was the wooden horse on which they
practised mounting and dismounting. Most of the exercises were used for
military preparation, but when the ancient Olympic Games were abolished the
sport fell into decline for nearly 1,500 years.
It was revived initially by men like Muth, Salzman, and Ling.
(1) Muth’s book, “Gymnastics for Youth”, is the first major work on the
subject, and Ling, a Swede, regulated a series of free exercises which a number
of countries adopted. But the man who made the major contribution to the sport
was Jahn. His invention of events like the parallel bars and the rings and his
routines for the horizontal bars helped greatly with the modernisation of
gymnastics. There was a clash of views between Ling and Jahn, since the Swede
felt that gymnastics was an educational system while Jahn viewed it as a club
activity. Ling’s movements were more rhythmic and fluent while Jahn gave more
emphasis to strength movements.
Modern gymnastics is a mixture of both schools – the beauty of the floor
exercises routines being balanced by the rugged power needed for the rings and
parallel bars. But it is fair to say that Jahn was the more influential of the
pair, for his Turnplatz, opened in Berlin in 1811, was an open-air gymnasium
which started the spread of the sport throughout Europe. Clubs were founded in
Britain and a number of schools included physical training in their curriculum.
A major event in British gymnastics occurred in 1860 when the army selected 12
NCO's (National Committee officials) and formed them into the Army Gymnastic
Staff, later the Army Physical Training Corps. The Army, realising after the
Crimean War that soldiers needed to be fit, were in the forefront of the
expansion of the sport in Britain. The leading clubs joined in 1890 to form
the Amateur Gymnastic Association and the first championship was in 1896 – the
year of the first modern Olympic Games.
After World War II, and especially since the early 1960s, gymnastics has
grown phenomenally in the United States. Much of this growth has been due to
the greatly increased coverage of gymnastics on television, and especially to
the Olympic performances of Olga Korbut in 1972 and Nadia Comaneci in 1976.
International gymnastics competition before World War II was dominated by
Western European countries. Except for the anomalous 1904 Games in St. Louis,
Americans did not participate in Olympic gymnastics until 1920. With the
entrance of the Soviet Union into Olympic competition in 1952 and the rise of
Japan as a gymnastics power, the picture changed radically. Over this period,
men’s team medals were won by the Soviet Union (10), Japan (9), East Germany
(5), China (2), Finland (2), and one each by the United States, Germany,
Hungary, Italy, and Switzerland. Fewer countries participated in women’s
gymnastics during this period and the Soviet Union was even more dominant, winning
the team gold medal in all ten Olympic Games in which they participated
(Romania won in 1984). Most individual medals were won by the Soviet Union
(39.4 per cent) and Japan (30.5 per cent), with others going to China (6.1 per
cent), East Germany (4.5 per cent), the United States (3.7 per cent), and 13
other countries (all European except for three medals to the two Koreas, for a
total of 15.8 per cent). In the 1996 Olympics Russia won the overall team gold
and 5 individual medals; Belarus took 4.
In the 1984 Olympic Games 19 countries were represented (2 entries are
allowed per country), and Canada, Romania, and West Germany won the gold,
silver, and bronze all-around medals. In both 1988 and 1992, 23 countries were
represented, and the Soviet Union (called the Unified Team in 1992) won both
the gold and bronze. In 1996 Spain won the team gold, Bulgaria the silver, and
Russia the bronze. Modern Gymnastics World Championships have been held since
1. Which of this
topics does the text deal with?
the Greek method of
gymnastics in ancient
gymnastics declination
and revival;
Muth, Salzman and Ling;
men’s gymnastics;
major event in British
development of
gymnastics in Great Britain and the USA;
rhythmic gymnastics.
2. Write down the
themes found in the text in the order corresponding to the context of the text.
You will get the outline of the text.
3. Divide the whole
text into fragments corresponding to the items of the outline. Mind that a
fragment may be equal to a paragraph or sometimes embrace several paragraphs.
4. Reread
paragraphs 1–3 and find the gymnastics event that was included in the ancient
5. Find sentences
proving that modern gymnastics is a mixture of schools.
6. Reread paragraph
7. Find sentences proving that the influence of the gymnasts from the Soviet
Union on the International gymnastics was considerable.
7. Reproduce the
contents of the text using answers to the following questions. If necessary,
look through the text again:
1. Did ancient
civilisations practise gymnastics? 2. Who started to modernise the sport? 3.
Who showed how knowledgeable the Greeks were about gymnastics fundamentals? 4.
What events were introduces by the Romans? 5. What period did gymnastics fall
into decline for? 6. Who revived gymnastics? 7. What is the first major work on
gymnastics? 8. Who made the major contribution to gymnastics? 9. What events
were invented by Jahn? 10. How did Turnplatz look? 11. When were gymnastics
cubs founded in Berlin? 12. When did gymnastics grow phenomenally in the United
States? 13. What has this growth been due to? 14. What countries dominated in
gymnastics before World War II in? 15. When did the picture radically change in
gymnastics? 16. Since when have modern gymnastics World championships been
Task X. Look through the text and say what kind of
information it contains. What achievements of Belarusian gymnasts does the
author pay special attention to? Indicate the corresponding paragraphs.
Belarusian gymnasts are traditionally very successful at Olympic Games.
Nikolai Miligulo from Minsk was the first Belarusian to represent the state in
this Olympic event. He won the silver team medal at the XVII Olympics in Rome.
Helen Volchetskaya was the first of the female gymnasts to open the Olympics.
She won a gold medal in women’s team competition in Tokyo. Larisa Petric made
an excellent showing at the Mexico Olympics. She returned home with three
prizes for the first places in a team contests and floor exercises and the
third prize for winning the beam.
A really fantastic at the XX Olympic Games in Munich was the performance
of Olga Korbut. She did some particularly complicated parts on the beam and
uneven bars which have now become specific terms bearing her name – “Korbut
somersault”, “Korbut back flip”, etc. One of her horse vaults has remained
unique because no other gymnast has ever done it. In Montreal she won a gold
medal in women’s team competition and silver medal at asymmetric bars.
Concerning the Belarusian school of gymnastics, one should note that it
is constantly in advance. Some athletes quit the podium, others step into their
shoes. There are too many of them to be named. But one just cannot imagine
Belarusian gymnastics without Antonina Koshel who became a gold medallist at
the 20th Olympics for team victory or Tamara Lazakovich who at the
same games took four prizes, one of them being gold. These girls largely
contributed to the enhancing of the glory of Soviet sport.
After that came Nelly Kim. Her superb skill was marked with five Olympic
titles. Besides she became the all-round world champion.
When on the podium, she never looked down in the mouth. She knew how to
smile even when she was sick at heart and felt like crying. It is not without
reason that journalists nicknamed her a “girl of iron”.
A certain episode comes to mind. As Nelly was doing her optional
programme (floor exercises) at the Moscow Olympics the music suddenly began to
“wow”. And it happened shortly after starting. The sound gradually died away.
The hall became unusually quiet.
With a charming smile (as if nothing were really happening) Nelly stopped
and waited for the music to recommence. Starting her combination all over
again, she did it with superb mastery and was deservedly given a high rating –
9.95 points.
At the XXIV Olympic Games in Seoul the USSR national team included two
trainees of Belarusian coaches – Svetlana Boginskaya and Svetlana Bayitova.
The good traditions were kept up by a new generation of Belarusian female
gymnasts. Despite their youth they had already managed to achieve quite a lot.
Here are a few facts from their sporting biographies: Svetlana Boginskaya was
born in 1973, Master of Sports International Class. Pupil of a sports boarding
school. All-around junior champion (FRG, 1986), team event silver medallist at
the World championship and bronze medallist in vault (Netherlands, 1987),
many-time winner and title-holder at international contests, silver medallist
in beam competition for the National Cup (1988).
Svetlana Bayitova was born in 1972. Master of Sports International Class,
all-around national champion, 1986, silver medallist at the USSR National
Championship, 1987, many-time winner and prize-holder at National Championships
in separate team events, won silver in team events at the 1987 World
Olga Bicherova, the 1981 all-around world champion describes Bayitova in
this way: “She shows virtuosity and has a unique programme on the bars”.
A. Neverovich, director of the gymnastics school which
S. Boginskaya attended:
“Boginskaya is very hardworking and diligent, she possesses great
untapped reserves that can yet be used for further development. At the same
time, the girl has an uneven temper, so one should handle her with care”.
Upon winning the gold medal in the team event Svetlana Boginskaya
continued to contend for more prizes. In the all-round world championship
contest she picked up bronze, being second only to her team mate Yelena
Shushunova and Rumanian Daniel Silivash. On the closing day of the gymnastics
performance, she added another gold medal to her collection. She gained it in
the finals at the apparatus, superbly executing a vault. Her floor exercises
brought her silver.
How was her success assessed by the experts? Here is the opinion
of Leonid Arkayev, the gymnastics department chief of the USSR Sports
“Svetlana has lived up to our expectations, we never suspected she could
challenge the leaders – Shushunova and Silivash. I believe that this young
woman from Minsk is our happy Olympic find”.
The Olympic champion Victor Klimenko:
“In this tough struggle Svetlana never lost her presence of mind, she
displayed her best qualities – will-power, plasticity and grace of movements.
Her programme is no less complicated than that shown by the leaders. At the
XXV Olympic Games Svetlana Boginskaya won a gold medal again. But a real hero
of the Olympic Game was Vitali Shcherbo who won 6 gold medals”.
1. Reread paragraph 1 and state its main
theme. Which sentence gives very briefly the most important information and
thus can be called the key sentence of the paragraph?
2. Reread paragraph 2–4.
What theme connects them?
3. Find the sentence explaining why the
journalists nicknamed Nelly Kim a “girl of iron”.
4. Read the facts from Svetlana Boginskaya and
Svetlana Bayitova's sporting biographies.
5. Divide the text into fragments and entitle
6. Write an annotation of the text. Make use
of such expressions as “to deal with, to emphasise, to be devoted to”. The
first sentence can reflect the general character of the text. Take into
consideration the title. The other 3 or 4 sentences should reflect the main
themes of the fragments.
Task XI. Read the text.
Rhythmic Gymnastics
Rhythmic gymnastics is a separate type of gymnastics competition. In
rhythmic gymnastics, gymnasts perform a dance routine while executing
manoeuvres and stunts with a piece of hand-held equipment. The equipment may be
a ball, club, hoop, ribbon, or rope. Rhythmic gymnasts perform on a mat similar
to the one used in floor exercise competition. The routines are performed to
music and last from 60 to 90 seconds. Contestants are judged on their grace
and the difficulty of their manoeuvres, including the skill with which they
release and catch the equipment. In 1984, rhythmic gymnastics became an event
at the summer Olympic Games.
Rhythmic gymnastics is a combination of gymnastics and ballet.
It was in the USSR that rhythmic gymnastics as an independent form of
sports was born. A higher school of plastic movements was opened in Leningrad
in 1934, attached to the Lesgaft Physical Training Institute: although there
had been many plastic movement studios earlier. One of the teachers was Zinaida
Verbova, the pioneer of rhythmic gymnastics, formerly a well-known dancer.
The conditions for training being very simple rhythmic gymnastics soon
attained great popularity. Girls began showing their skill at demonstration
But sport in its very essence implying large-scale contests, in 1947
rhythmic gymnastics was included in the general sports programme. After having
given sporting stimulus in addition to aesthetic hundred thousands of girls
began seriously to go in for rhythmic gymnastics. All arguments about whether
rhythmic gymnastics should be regarded as sport having been finished it became
very popular in our country. Rhythmic gymnastics means the perfect mastery of
various dance elements, the ability to perform complicated turns and leaps,
maintain perfect balance and carry out a large variety of acrobatic movements.
Anything new and interesting is always quickly taken up. And this has
been the case with rhythmic gymnastics. It was enough for the girls to show
their art in other countries and this purely Russian type of gymnastics soon
became international. The first World Championship in 1963 in Budapest gave
Soviet gymnasts a double victory.
The first Belarusian Olympic Champion in rhythmic gymnastics became
Marina Lobach in Seoul.
Marina was not a greenhorn when she went in Seoul. Her sporting biography
was highly presentable: a many-time winner of the National Cup, the 1988
all-round champion of the country, the 1988 World and European champion in
individual rhythmic gymnastics events and what she did on the mat in Seoul was
nothing short of a miracle. Each of her performances was acclaimed with a storm
of applause and the judges gave Marina’s virtuosity the 10.0 point rating.
I. Divide the text into fragments in
accordance with their contents. Entitle each fragment.
II. Using the material of the paragraphs and your own knowledge of
rhythmic gymnastics answer the following questions:
What is rhythmic
What do gymnasts do in
this sport?
How are the routines
performed in rhythmic gymnastics?
How are contestants
judged in rhythmic gymnastics?
When did rhythmic
gymnastics become an event in the Summer Olympic Games?
When did the sport
Where was rhythmic
gymnastics as an independent form of sports born?
Who is considered the
pioneer of rhythmic gymnastics?
Why did rhythmic
gymnastics attain great popularity?
Who is the first
Belarusian Olympic Champion in rhythmic gymnastics?
III. Give the main points of the history of rhythmic gymnastics.
Æóëêåâñêàÿ, Ã. Â. Gymnastics=Ãèìíàñòèêà : ó÷åá. ïîñîáèå ïî àíãë. ÿç. äëÿ ñòóäåíòîâ II êóðñà ÁÃÓÔÊ /
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ÁÃÓÔÊ, 2005. – 31 ñ.
Ñòðàíèöû: 1, 2, 3